Is your house full of clutter? Could you use some spring cleaning tips but are also looking to make some extra money? Then this is the post for you!
Spring is a wonderful time to start purging all of your unwanted and unnecessary belongings! During winter we tend to hoard things and build up piles of unwanted “stuff!” I mean, what else is there to do in winter but shop online? No one wants to leave the house to go out on the snow-covered messes of slush we call roads here in Michigan.
Subsequently, there is NO motivation to clean because – SERIOUSLY – when we are done what will we do with all of this “stuff?”
Due to the weather, porch pick-up from Facebook groups is not an option because no one wants to truck through mounds of snow to pick up a toy. And dragging bags of clothing and trinkets to the goodwill seems like such a chore in the winter! You have to bundle up the kids with snow gear to do something you don’t necessarily want to do in the first place. So the “stuff” sits and accumulates all winter long.
In fact, after having several days of below-freezing weather here in Michigan, I don’t want to go outside to do anything let alone carry a bunch of bags to my car to drop off at an outside location.
Sorry for the rant, but thank the dear Lord spring is finally here and I can start my spring cleaning!
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If you are anything like me and in dire need to get your house (and car) in order but also want to make a little cash on the side, then I have some spectacular ideas for you!
Even if you do not know where to start, these steps will definitely help put a dent in your disaster!
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Cleaning and Removing Clutter Makes for a Happy Home
Do you know what clutter does to your brain? Research shows clutter in your visual spectrum causes stress and lack of focus! Also, clutter affects women more negatively than men!
So ladies, enlist your helpers (a.k.a your kids and hubby) to begin this process and we will all have a happier mommy and more money in our pockets! And hey, we all know the old saying, “If momma isn’t happy, NO one is happy!” Repeat this annoyingly over and over to your family until they help you! – Works like a charm.
Suggested Reading: How to Declutter and Gain Perspective
3 Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Tips that Will Earn You Money
1. Set a “Declutter Date” and put it on the calendar. Setting a planned date will help you get started. A weekend will probably work best so the entire family can take part but choose whatever day works for your schedule. I find the first day of the month works and is easy to remember and after your first decluttering, try doing the same thing on the first of every month to continue keeping the house mess-free.
I suggested putting a donate date on the calendar and forewarning everyone in your household so they will have ample time to think about what they want to purge. Moreover, great places to donate items are local churches, Goodwill, or The Salvation Army. Keep in mind, It helps to take them soon after your “house collection date” because all too often we change our minds and end up with that yellow sweater back in the closet for the next year (or five).
2. Let’s Get Organized – First, you will need three boxes. Use boxes from some of the things you ordered online or bulk diaper boxes work great. Label your boxes “Sell”, “Donate”, and “Trash”.
3. Begin the Purge – To start, have each family member pick five items per box each (that’s a total of 15 items each) and put them in the proper boxes. Also, remember to remind your kids why you are doing this. An organized house is a happy house. I always tell my kids we need to make room for new stuff because their birthday is coming or any Holiday they receive gifts. This seems to ease the pain of giving toys away.
It is also a wonderful idea to talk to children about how others are in need of clothing or toys and may not be as fortunate as you.
Emphasize some of the toys are “baby toys” or they no longer play with them. Remind kids they will make money from the “Sell” box.
Note: This will be a great lesson for kids to earn their own money from the items they decide to sell.
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What to Put In Your Spring Cleaning Boxes:
This box should include items that are in good shape or “New with Tags”. Keep in mind, if you are trying to sell things that are damaged or stained, most likely these items will not sell. As a rule of thumb, ask yourself if you would buy something in this condition. If it is good enough for you to buy, someone else will probably feel the same. Nonetheless, there are companies such as gazelle.com or trademore that will buy back broken phones or electronics if you have been stockpiling used phones.
This is your chance to give back. Since you are picking five items for each box, keep in mind most places do not want old junk as donations. In fact, a friend of mine volunteered at the Salvation Army for work and informed me that they often throw away things people give. Think about it…Will they be able to sell a broken umbrella or a shirt with a huge stain? Chances are these items will get thrown away. Donate something that has value and will help someone else. Think of it as giving a gift to someone in need. Make sure you check your Facebook groups as well. See if there is someone in your areas that can match your items to others in need.
Trash it
Since I am a frugal living blogger, I hate wasting things and throwing things away. So I suggest looking at things that could be put in the recycling bin so you have the least amount of possible waste going to a landfill. Another idea is to upcycle and sell items. For example, a sweater with a hole can probably fix but I don’t know how to do this and don’t want to deal with it. Instead, I will find someone else that can fix it and sell it themselves. It is a win, win. I’m decluttering and helping someone else out!
Also, our town has an electronics donation day. You can take old computers and such to be recycled. Only throw away items that cannot be sold, donated, or recycled to help eliminate waste.
If you don’t want to do all the heavy lifting try a junk removal program to help you get rid of your clutter.
Suggested Reading: Budget-Friendly Meal Planning – Two Weeks Under $75
Making Money From Spring Cleaning and Decluttering
Now that you have done the dirty work, it is time to put some money back in your pocket. Here are some places you can sell your stuff to make extra cash:
Poshmark is an app that allows you to sell your new and gently used clothing for women, men, and children. It is super easy to use and I have made over $400 selling my old clothing on this site. Poshmark has a flat rate shipping of $5.95 and the buyer usually pays this fee. You will get a prepaid shipping label and can use free boxes or envelopes from the post office. Read my full review here: Poshmark Review
Use code MAMAX when signing up for a $5 coupon
eBay – Of course eBay is a popular way to get rid of clutter and earn extra cash. This is another site I use to sell. It is easy to set up an account and you can opt for prepaid shipping on eeBay You can set a price or put your items up for auction. It is easy to snap a picture and create a listing.
Letgo – This is an all-around get rid of anything and everything site. It is like Craig’s List only on an app.
Facebook groups – I LOVE using Facebook groups! There are several mom-to-mom groups in my area; however, there are many online garage sale Facebook groups. Just do a search for your area and you are bound to find one. It makes it so easy to sell because I usually do porch pick-up and I don’t have to ship anything. My buyer leaves the money right under my doormat and takes the item off my porch. This is great for kid’s toys and clothing.
threadUP – This site is similar to Poshmark. You can sell new and gently used clothing, but the threadUP team does the work for you. Just request a shipping bag and send them your new or gently used clothing. They will pick items that will sell and return the rest of your clothes to you or donate what is left if you do not want them returned to you. Click my link to sign up: threadUP
Garage sales – This may not be the best option if you are trying to get rid of items quickly because you will have to wait for good weather, but it is a great way to get rid of a bunch of stuff at the same time. You can also have your kids help and teach them how to sell and collect money! Yet, you will have to store your items until you are ready to have your sale.
Consignment Stores – These stores sell your items for you and take a percentage of what you make.
Mercari – This is an app that allows you to sell items online. I personally have used Mercari and have earned around $70 selling clothing, but you can sell pretty much anything. You do have to pay attention to weight when pricing your shipping and you can opt to pay for shipping or set your listing to “buyer pays to ship.” Either way, you will get a prepaid shipping label and can use free boxes from the post office. You will get your money once the buyer has confirmed receiving the item.
Spring Cleaning Tips Conclusion:
Spring is a great time to start anew! It will feel great to get rid of all of those unneeded items you have stored up all winter! Start your spring cleaning with a declutter day and gain perspective! You and your family will be so happy you did! Use my Spring cleaning tips to earn extra money!
Do you partake in a yearly spring cleaning? What methods do you use? Do you sell your stuff? Please leave me a comment. I would love to hear from you!
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24 Comments on 3 Spring Cleaning Tips That Will Make You Money
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This article is perfect timing! I have to do some major spring cleaning myself. Thanks for these tips 🙂
No problem, Nicole! I hope it helped! I’m getting ready to do the same!
This is so great! I really love a good cleaning and de clutter session.
Thank you, Susie! Yes, I know the feeling!!
Thanks for sharing the ways to make money off of some of the decluttering! I just moved and have purged a ton of stuff, but would love to get some cash back from it. I’ll look into your suggestions!
Thank you for the comment! Let me know if you have any questions! Take care!!
These are great tips! I love spring cleaning, it feels so good to have less clutter and make a little money on the side! I think I’m going to sign up for poshmark, what a great concept!
I hope you get all of your spring cleaning done and make some money! Let me know if you have any questions about posh!!
What awesome Spring cleaning tips! I really like your 3 boxes idea. Your post inspires me to go through the closets and my kids’ toys to see what we can purge.
Thank you! I’m in the process of doing the same thing now!! Take care!
Awesome tips! Thanks so mucb for sharing.
Thank you for the visit!!
I love these ideas. One of my friends uses Poshmark and gets earns a lot of money from it!
That’s great!! I was making more before I started blogging, but now that takes up all of my time! Lol
These are great tips and strategies that I can surely use this spring! Thanks for sharing!
Great tips! I love Poshmark!
Thank you!!!
I love this! Definitely makes spring cleaning a little more exciting when you’re making money too!
It’s so satisfying to make a little cash while de-cluttering!
I love Facebook groups too! They are so easy!! I did the KonMari method and it worked great, but now I am drowning in clutter again! I like your method, although I usually have a keep pile if I’m going through a huge cluttered mess. My car and bedrooms are in a major need for decluttering right now!
Which way have you had the most luck with selling things? I seem to mainly get the runaround from potential buyers more than anything!
I have had the most luck with Poshmark and Facebook groups. It helps to share your items on Poshmark a few times a day. With Facebook groups, I always state that the buyer must pick up within 48 hours. If they do not, I kindly inform them I am moving on to the next person unless they were sick or had a really good excuse :). Let me know if you have any other questions!
I always think about selling my stuff I declutter, I know I could make a little money off some of it, but I just never do unless it’s a big ticket item. I never end up putting in the time and effort it takes to list stuff!
I hear you! It is a bit of work. I usually have my husband take the kids to the park once a month so I can focus! Thanks for the visit!