Is your house full of clutter? Could you use some spring cleaning tips but are also looking to make some extra money? Then this is the post for you!
Spring is a wonderful time to start purging all of your unwanted and unnecessary belongings! During winter we tend to hoard things and build up piles of unwanted “stuff!” I mean, what else is there to do in winter but shop online? No one wants to leave the house to go out on the snow-covered messes of slush we call roads here in Michigan.
Subsequently, there is NO motivation to clean because – SERIOUSLY – when we are done what will we do with all of this “stuff?”
Due to the weather, porch pick-up from Facebook groups is not an option because no one wants to truck through mounds of snow to pick up a toy. And dragging bags of clothing and trinkets to the goodwill seems like such a chore in the winter! You have to bundle up the kids with snow gear to do something you don’t necessarily want to do in the first place. So the “stuff” sits and accumulates all winter long.
In fact, after having several days of below-freezing weather here in Michigan, I don’t want to go outside to do anything let alone carry a bunch of bags to my car to drop off at an outside location.
Sorry for the rant, but thank the dear Lord spring is finally here and I can start my spring cleaning!