Valentine’s Day Cards With Free Printables for Kids
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. And what better way to celebrate than to find ways to save money on Valentine’s Day card for your kid’s class. I definitely think Valentine’s Day free printables are the way to go.
I have to admit, I am a sucker for Holiday because it gives me a reason to treat my kids and see the excitement on their faces. Nonetheless, Valentine’s day does not have to be one of those Holidays that breaks the bank. In fact, you can make your own kid’s Valentines at home for much less than you would spend at the store.
Not to mention, this post has done all the work for you. All you need to do is decide which Valentine you would like to use this year. Or better yet, let your kids look through and decide! They will love making Valentine’s Cards with you and be so proud to take them into their class this year. Also, there are several non-candy choices as many schools request this due to allergies.
Are you looking to live a happy life and be more content in 2021? One way to do this is to set goals or New Year’s Resolutions. However, changing your life drastically can pose a problem. Your brain does not form a habit and usually, you revert back to your old ways. Did you know, most New Year’s resolutions go to the wayside by February?
So if you are serious about changing your life for the better this year, try starting small and slowly increasing the areas of your life you want to change. You will eventually be on the right track and you will begin to form habits that can last a lifetime as you venture on your quest to stay happy and live better.
Simple changes can have a big impact and as you continue on your journey you may find change difficult. However, most things worth doing are not going to be easy.
Some of the ideas listed are simple and you can start today. Some are more difficult and may take some time. Try picking one or two per month and continue learning how to be the best version of yourself and be happy with your life.
If you set goals for yourself, you will be a happier, more fulfilled person in 2021! Give it a try. What have you got to lose?
Believe it or not, there are people out there that do not want a bunch of stuff like knickknacks or the latest and greatest tech items for Christmas. So shopping can become tricky because gift ideas for a simple person are not always easy to find. However, if you have a minimalist friend and still want to buy them a Christmas gift there are some great gift ideas out there that won’t break the bank. Your minimalist friend will really appreciate your gift because you took their lifestyle into consideration which makes you their most thoughtful friend or family member.
Holidays are difficult for some minimalist people because that they end up with a bunch of presents they didn’t want and do not know what to do with. If you have a simple person or minimalist person in your life, you may not agree with their lifestyle choices. However, it is best you respect them when purchasing a gift. If your friend or family member is trying to live a simple life with less clutter, then they definitely do not want a bunch of Christmas decorations or trinkets they will end up getting rid of later.
In fact, research shows clutter affects your mental health and can leave you feeling frustrated and anxious. This may be why your friend is choosing a simple lifestyle. Yet, you still want your simple friend to know you care and are thinking about them during the Holiday Season.
Yet, if you find your simple friend something useful, they will know what a thoughtful, caring friend or family member you are because you took their feelings into consideration when selecting the perfect gift for their simple lifestyle. With that in mind, check out my gift guide for the simple person below. These ideas are sure to knock their socks off this year!
Have you ever wondered why you are over budget every time you go grocery shopping? Are you looking to buy something you need online like a pair of boots for your kids, but you end up with a bunch of other items in your cart? We have all been there. Unfortunately, there are many retail hacks that stores use to trick us into spending more money and the Holiday times are certainly no exception.
These secret marketing tricks will have you opening up your wallet and going over budget more than you need or want. Yet, unless you know what the retail hacks are, it is hard to avoid them.
Unfortunately for us, stores spend big bucks on marketing research. Yes, there is an entire psychology behind buying and selling.
Stores also track you and find out what you want to buy before you even know you want to buy it. Think of the last time you were on Facebook and an ad popped up in your feed while you were scrolling. You clicked the ad and bought something. It wasn’t a coincidence that the advert made it into your Facebook feed. Companies spend big money on research to find the right advertising tactics to get you to pull out your wallet.
So what is a consumer to do? Start by researching these marketing tactics and learn how to avoid the retail trap. Knowledge is the key. Learn how to stop spending more money than you intended by avoided the marketing tricks below. Here are seven of the top retail hacks exposed so you can stop wasting your money.
Is your hubby driving you nuts this Holiday Season? I love my husband very much, but let me tell you… He is the hardest person to shop for! Most of the time, when he wants or needs something, he buys it. This makes it difficult for someone like me to jot down all his clues in my short memory and start shopping. Does he need new running shoes? Oh, wait…A box from Amazon just arrived at our door with brand new Asics. Does this sound familiar?
I have to admit, in order to write this gift guide, I had to seek the help of my dear hubby. I mean, who else to tell you what guys want, then a guy, right?
And I tried to help the guys out last year by creating the Gift Guide for the Lady in Your Life, but this year I know a few women that could use some help too (including me).
I always stress during the Holiday season. I am buying, wrapping, cooking, and decorating. The “To Do” list seems to never end. It seems like everyone else is sitting and relaxing, while I am working hard to make Christmas nice for my family. With that in mind, my goal is to have a stress-free Christmas this year. My goal is to get all of my shopping done before December 1st so I can start wrapping and try to soak in some of those moments with my family. Yes, this year I will not be grinchy and spoil everyone’s fun.
Online gift guides have really helped me find the perfect gift in the past, so I’m hoping my gift guide will help you.
Please check out my ideas below and you will be sure to surprise him with your thoughtfulness this year. This list can be used for Christmas gifts for men, Valentine’s Day gifts for him, or birthday gifts for men. This post includes gift ideas for every budget and I do not suggest going over your budget to buy gifts. Pick something you can afford and stick with it.