Personal finance can seem scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Dare I say, you could make these personal finance tips part of your life and create good money habits that will set you up for a life you have always dreamed of?
Seriously, it is possible. There is no need to continue living in debt. You can learn to make your money work for you.
Learn to be intentional with your money and make sure all of your “needs” are accounted for in your budget. Then start adding in some of those important “wants” because you have the money to pay for them.
The posts below provide over 100 personal finance tips that will kick-start your savings, help you live intentionally with your money, and learn how to “personal finance” better.
What are you waiting for? Live the financial life you have always dreamed of.
Do you waste money? Have you ever looked – I mean REALLY looked – at what you could cut out of your budget to save money?
There are so many ways to save money, but finding them is not always easy.
I always recommend sticking to ideas that work for you. I mean, if that morning cup of Joe is SUPER important, then keep it but use the other 20 ways I have listed to help you get your budget back on track.
Personal finance is a tricky thing for many people. Often people buy what they “want” or “THINK” they need without looking at price tags.
If you are super rich, then good for you! I hope to be in your shoes one day. But for the rest of us, wouldn’t it be nice to take a vacation or build up an emergency fund with all the “little things” we can save money on overtime?
In today’s post, I have listed 21 things people waste money on that can be avoided and save you over $3000 per year. Put that $3000 away in a separate savings account and there you have your mini-emergency fund or your vacation fund… So start planning.
Recently I was asked, “I need money help. How can I save money when I can’t pay my bill?” This was a profound question because I know the struggle of having very little funding and trying to scrimp and save to get by, let alone stay out of debt.
We often forget, there are millions of people in out there struggling to stay afloat with their day-to-day bills. Yes, these are hard-working people who just can’t seem to get their ledgers back in the black.
Reasons You May Need Money Help:
Some have enough money but spend themselves into a whirlwind of debt.
Yet, others do not make enough money and can’t make ends meet.
In either situation, life can become stressful, worrisome, and it is difficult to live your best life because bills are always looming in the back of your mind like an unstable tree ready to crash.
My mission at “I Heart Frugal” is to offer money help so people can live and amazing debt-free life. I teach about budgeting and living within your means.
Yet to some this goal may seem impossible when faced with mounting bills. As the bills pile high, catching up seems like it will never happen.
However, I am here to tell you, there is money help and you can do something about your financial situation.
There are so many others out there that are sharing your same money problems, but the good news is, there IS something you can do about it.
So let’s get real about your finances, admit there is a problem, and focus on the solution: A good budget and money-saving action plan. After you have created your action plan, take some steps to avoid this situation in the future.
How badly do you need a budget? Budgeting is hard work and it is best to gain all the knowledge and information you can before attempting to create your own. In this way, you will create a budget that will work well for you and your family. Yet, scavenging around the pool of information we call the Internet is especially time-consuming and it is hard to weed out the good seeds from the bad. So I have done the work for you!
This week on I Heart Frugal, I have compiled a list of budget posts to help you get started on your budgeting journey. My fellow personal finance bloggers have a wealth of information to share that will get you back on track to an amazing debt-free life.
Each picture will feature a link to the post and the blog title below. Check out my post on budgeting here and use these other posts to really dive into starting your budget and making your money work for you.
So when I was a kid, I used to swim every day. I would swim for fun! I would swim for exercise and because I grew up by a lake, I thought this made me an excellent swimmer. Daily walks to the lake entailed swimming laps and laying out in the sun. This was a way of life when you grew up a few blocks from the water. Winter was your enemy and summer your best friend.
Yet, that day in the five-foot hotel pool told a story of a different swimmer. Not the story of a swimmer that could swim laps around Michael Phelps, but of a vulnerable kid that could not get a grip. That was the day my brother started drowning. Yet, being the great swimmer that I am, I knew I could save him.
I saw it so differently in my head. I envisioned diving in, grabbing him, and pulling him to the edge. It was all so clear and I would be a hero!
However, I didn’t take into account, when the water is over your head and the other person is panicking – by the way, I’m not a lifeguard – saving them is near to impossible.
As I swam up to my brother bobbing up and down grabbing for any inch of air to fill his water-logged lungs, he grabbed me and started taking me down with him. I – the great swimmer from Michigan – started to panic myself.