How to be a Better Blogger: My Journey

How to be a Better Blogger: My Personal Journey

I’ve blogged for around 15 months now and I am so happy to announce this is my 100th post! As a new blogger, this used to be a goal of mine.  In fact, I thought I needed 100 posts in my quest to be a better blogger and gave myself a timeline of one year to achieve this goal. Now I realize setting a number of posts for yourself isn’t helping anyone. Why? Well, quality content always wins over quantity. Yet, meeting the 100 mark on my blog feels like such an accomplishment and I am so happy to have you along for the ride!

Since it is the New Year, it is time to set some blogging goals. As I mentioned in my Goal Setting Post, one major aspect of goal setting is writing down what you want to achieve. Also, doing a checkup after a set time will help you adjust and revamp your goals as needed.

My blog had its first birthday on October 19, 2017, and that was my last blogging check-in. It is true, I learned a lot in my first year of blogging, but as an experienced blogger knows, I still have a long way to go. Blogging takes a lot of hard work but having a wealth of content on my site feels amazing!

Update: I made money from my blog! Learn what I did here in my July Blog Income Report – plus juicy pin tips and SEO tips!

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