Budgeting Archives - Page 9 of 16 - I Heart Frugal


Learn how to budget and take control of your finances and budget better.

How I Paid Off $15,000 in Student Loans The Day I Graduated

Are student loans driving you into debt? Find out how Alexis from FITnancial paid off her loans the day she graduated and use her tips to become debt-free.

How I paid off $15,000 in Student Loans #debtfree #makemoney #savemoney
How I paid off $15,000 in Student Loans

With over $1.56 trillion in total U.S. student loan debt and the average monthly student loan payment amounting to $393, I knew I had to do my best to lower my student loans and pay them off when I could. I did not want to be paying off student loans for the next 20 years.

Before I applied to college years ago, I had little to no idea how financial aid and student loans worked. All I knew was that it was common for people to graduate with tens of thousands in student loan debt. And knowing that little fact made me start a journey of learning as much as possible about money.


Over 100 Personal Finance Tips to Kick-start Savings and Get Out of Debt

Personal finance can seem scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Dare I say, you could make these personal finance tips part of your life and create good money habits that will set you up for a life you have always dreamed of?

Seriously, it is possible. There is no need to continue living in debt. You can learn to make your money work for you.

100 + Personal Fiance Tips to Help You Save #personalfinance #savemoney #moneytips
100 + Personal Fiance Tips to Help You Save

Learn to be intentional with your money and make sure all of your “needs” are accounted for in your budget. Then start adding in some of those important “wants” because you have the money to pay for them.

The posts below provide over 100 personal finance tips that will kick-start your savings, help you live intentionally with your money, and learn how to “personal finance” better.

What are you waiting for? Live the financial life you have always dreamed of.


7 Things That are Killing Your Budget You Must Stop

These spending habits are killing your budget. Find out why.

Learn how to do a diy budget and reach your financial planning success. Learn how to save money and stop these budget killers. #savemoney #moneytips #personalfinance
7 Things that are Killing Your Budget

Are you having budget problems? Many do not realize the “little things” add up and although you may think – it’s only ONE coffee – buying these “little things” can totally kill your budget.

One snack from the vending machine means $1 per day, five times per week. Yes, that is $20 per month you could have used to invest or pay down debt. Over time, these little money-wasters will put a dent in your budget and leave you wondering why you don’t have any money.


Debt Pay off Story: How One Woman Paid off 40k Worth of Debt

Are you looking to get out of debt but don’t know where to start? Then you are going to love this Debt Pay off Story guest post by Mandy from The Well Balanced Mom.

Debt Pay Off Story: Learn how one woman paid off 40K worth of debt. If you want to know how to get out of debt, check out her story. #debtfree #savemoney #personalfinances
Debt Pay Off Story

I used to think that debt was a normal part of life. Growing up, it seemed like everyone had credit cards and car payments. I didn’t think it was a big deal until the day I realized that my debt was holding me captive in a life that I didn’t want. 

But I’ll start at the beginning.

My mom encouraged me to get a credit card when I was 18. She said I should “build my credit,” so that I could finance a car and eventually buy a house. Of course, she encouraged me to be responsible with my credit card usage. And I was— mostly. I did purchase things before I had the money for them, but I also managed to pay off my credit cards regularly. 

But that’s not really when my getting-into-debt story began.


7 Steps to Completely Get Out of Debt for Good

Are you in debt? Unfortunately, many Americans are in the same boat. With rising college cost, it is rare to meet an adult that doesn’t have expensive student loans.

Not to mention, many Americans also have car loans, house loans, and credit card bills. Your debt can leave you feeling like a boxer being hit over and over.

However, your life doesn’t have to feel like a punching bag. You too, like many others, can get rid of debt completely and learn to live a debt-free life. It may take some sacrifices, but it is possible.

The most important aspect of paying off debt is to make a plan and never give up.

There are simple solutions to your debt story and by taking some easy steps you can learn to move forward.

Learn how to get rid of debt completely with these seven steps. Stop living paycheck to paycheck and instead live debt-free. #debtfree #moneytips #debt #personalfinance #credit
7 Steps to Completely Get Rid of Debt

What this post will cover:

  • how to get rid of debt completely
  • how to side hustle
  • ideas to help you take steps to become debt-free

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