January is time for a budget checkup

Are you ready for a financial checkup in 2022? Whether it is a new year or mid-year it is never too late to wipe away mistakes of the past and starting fresh.

It is no secret, people make resolutions of all sorts. From losing weight to being on time to staying calm…Yet, one of the most important resolutions is getting your finances in order.

A budget checkup is essential for keeping your money on track.

Thinking of getting in shape this year? Financial health is just as important as physical health. Did you know carrying around financial burdens can actually affect your well-being? According to a study done by the American Psychology Association, 73% of participants cited money as being a significant cause of stress (source WebMD).

So what are you waiting for? Use my list of seven steps to help you audit your finances and fix your money mistakes of years past. If you truly want this year to be your best, do not let finances stand in the way of living your best life!

Suggested Reading: How to Set Goals and Stick With Them
