Goal Setting Process: How to Set Smart Goals and Slay Them Every Time
It is true, any of us can set goals and New Year’s Eve is a popular time to start. There is something about the New Year that makes us feel like we have a clean slate to get in shape, earn more money, or learn something new. But did you know, 80% of New Years Resolutions fail by February? And why is that?
Research shows that people who set goals are more likely to accomplish their tasks but are we all going about it wrong? Why do so many goals go by the wayside after a month or so? Perhaps some goal setting tips will help lower this statistic.
In the goal-setting process, we must first look at how we set goals. Are we just verbally saying we want to do something or are we writing out our goals with a plan of action? Creating a solid plan and putting it down on paper is an awesome way to start.
What are Smart Goals?
Smart goals stand for S-specific, M-measurable, A-attainable, R relevant- and T-timely. When setting goals it is important to be specific and set a standard that can be measured. We will get into this in the post.
You should also look at something that is attainable and relevant to you and your overall goals in life. Lastly, set a time limit to achieve your goals. Using this method will help you achieve your goals and continue to set new goals to become the best version of you.
How Smart Goals Helped My Students
I am a former teacher and my students and I used to set goals every marking period. Yes, this was a fun goal setting activity for me! I loved teaching the little ones how to accomplish a goal, revisit, and set new goals.
But one question I was always asked is “Why set goals?” Since we would revisit our goals every marking period, my best answer about goal setting was and still is we can always become a better version of ourselves. I live by this motto and always have some goals in my life at any given time.
I would teach my students how goal setting can benefit you, not only in school but in any aspect of your life. For example, an adult could set a personal development goal for work and layout some work goals to earn more money or get a promotion. Another smart goal example would be setting health goals to lose weight or work out more often.
You can really set goals for any aspect of your life. I find it is best to break your goals down into smaller steps so you do not feel overwhelmed and give up.
So even if you are doing well and let’s say, got an A last marking period, a smart goal’s example would be to create better study habits or learn more on the subject. Therefore, even if you excel in one area, there is always something you can improve upon to be this amazing version of yourself. -Think positively!
One of the best ways to set a goal is to write it down. In fact, this post includes a goal-setting worksheet to help you on your journey. Goals should also be measurable and you can get started by creating a plan of action. So whether your goal is financial, fitness, or travel success you can do it!
Read more about goal setting here: The Art of Goal Setting
Goal Setting Tip: How Do I Measure a Goal?
What does “measurable” mean? It means you can check your goal at the end of your time frame and measure whether you achieved it or not. Setting a goal to simply lose weight is not measurable. However, by being more specific you will be able to check your progress. For example, you could state your goal like this: “I will lose five pounds in four weeks.” The second goal gives a timeline and a clear amount of weight you want to lose. You are WAY more likely to meet this type of goal than just randomly saying you want to do something.
Suggested Reading: How to Live Your Best Life: 15 Life-Changing Steps
Grab your free goal setting pdf here and let’s get started!
Goal Setting PDF: Goal Setting