Use the 30-Day rule to help you save more and stop spending frivolously.

What is the 30-day rule and how will it help you save money? #savemoney #moneytips #frugal
What is the 30-day rule?

Have you ever saw something in a store or online and just had to have it? Something caught your eye and that adrenaline rush started making your heart thump!


You quickly threw it in your cart or hit the “buy button” only to feel buyers remorse after a few minutes pass? Perhaps you even return the item when it arrives which is a hassle and sometimes cost you more money for shipping.


This is where the 30-day rule comes in. 


The 30-day rule is a tool to help you decide if you really want or need an item you want to buy. By using the 30-rule you will delay buying and avoid buyers remorse. It also leaves impulse buys as a thing of the past.


According to a Pew study, 46% of Americans spend more than they make. Yes, that is almost half the country.


It is not uncommon to have a spending problem and advertising and celebrities glorify a glitzy lifestyle, leaving many people feeling like they need to keep up.


Not to mention, Americans have a habit of lifestyle creep. This means that if you get a raise, instead of saving it, you spend more on lifestyle and do not necessarily have more money in the bank.

Yet, if you use the 30-day rule, you can do yourself a favor and make a spending decision with a clear mind instead of making an impulse buy. Do you know how to use the 30-day rule? This post will help you out.
